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Diversity Scholarships

Please send your scholarship application to the Scholarships Office or to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.  

These scholarships are to promote diversity in the student body by considering ethnic origin.  Additional priority consideration will be given to students with at least a 2.50 cumulative GPA and based on the following geographic indicators:

  • Sanpete/Sevier Counties
  • Juab, Millard, Piute, and Wayne Counties
  • All other Utah Residents
  • US Citizens


Diversity scholarships are awarded up to full resident tuition and may be awarded for one or two semesters.  Students are encouraged to reapply each year.  In addition to the Diversity Scholarship Application, students must submit the following for scholarship consideration:

  • Letter of Introduction (see application)
  • Financial Statement (see application)
  • High School transcripts with ACT or SAT scores for all students with less than 20 college credits earned since graduating from high school.  Others must submit their college transcripts
  • Two letters of recommendation from non-family members
  • A one page resume is optional

arrow Complete a Diversity Scholarship Application

Mexican-American Scholarship Snow College Mexican-American Scholarship Application


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